The L.O.S.S. Teams model was originally created by Dr. Frank Campbell at the Baton Rouge Crisis and Trauma Center in 1998. A L.O.S.S. (Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors) Teams consists of two or more trained volunteers who are activated by the local authorities (Coroner’s Office, Law Enforcement) when there is a suspected suicide loss.
If your county is not listed below, reach out to your local Suicide Prevention Coalition for resources.
L.O.S.S Team Name | Contact Person | Phone Number | Email Address | Counties |
Allen Loss Team | Rick Skilliter | 419-549-8530 EXT 109 | | Allen |
Auglaize Loss Team | Rick Skilliter | 419-549-8530 EXT 109 | | Auglaize |
Defiance Loss Team | BJ Horner | (419) 267-3355 Ext. 3 | | Defiance |
Fulton Loss Team | BJ Horner | (419) 267-3355 Ext. 3 | | Fulton |
Henry Loss Team | BJ Horner | (419) 267-3355 Ext. 3 | | Henry |
Huron Loss Team | Brittni Cooper | 810-730-2618 | | Huron |
Williams Loss Team | BJ Horner | (419) 267-3355 Ext. 3 | | Williams |